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Project team
The Small Firm Diaries is led by the Financial Access Initiative (FAI). FAI is a research center housed at NYU Wagner focused on how financial services can better meet the needs and improve the lives of poor households around the world. With partners, FAI produced the Portfolios of the Poor and the US Financial Diaries projects. These groundbreaking studies reshaped the financial inclusion field, illuminating volatility as a central issue for low-income households around the world.
Jonathan Morduch (Global)
FAI, NYU Wagner
Timothy Ogden (Global)
FAI, NYU Wagner
Luz Salas Bahamón (Colombia)
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
National Association of Financial Institutions (ANIF)
Ryan Edwards (Fiji)
Australian National University
Amrik Heyer (Kenya)
FSD Kenya
Julia Cajal (Uganda)
The Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Emma Riley (Uganda)
University of Michigan
Owen Sseremba (Uganda)
Makerere University
Lore Vandewalle (Uganda)
The Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Chris Woodruff (Uganda)
Oxford University
Research Implementation
Three organizations manage the in-country implementation of Small Firm Diaries field research, bringing methods, experience, and findings from many previous diaries studies.
(L-IFT) specializes in financial diaries research to support evidence-based policymaking. They work
with microfinance and other organizations to develop products and services based on financial diaries.
L-IFT has conducted diaries research in over 10 countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
(MFO) is a global non-profit committed to understanding the financial realities of low-income households. They work with financial service providers, policy makers,
and mobile money operators to connect service offerings to the realities of the unbanked or underserved.
EDI Global, based in East Africa, has a global reputation for quality survey design and data collection services aimed at assessing international development program impacts, measuring results, and evaluating potential solutions to global poverty.
& Learning
A network of local engagement partners collaborates closely with researchers to deepen the team’s understanding of local context and ensure the research has local relevance.
Lagos Business School, Enterprise Development Centre
MSC Indonesia
Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
University of the South Pacific, Fiji
Universidad del Norte, Colombia
Local Partners
Advisory Board
Members of our advisory board with expertise in research, policy, financial services, and business support programs help translate findings to impact.
Paddy Carter
Director of Research and Policy, British International Investment
Tamara Cook
CEO, FSD-Kenya
Morgan Hardy
Professor of Economics, NYU Abu Dhabi
Leora Klapper
Lead Economist, World Bank and founder of the Global Findex
David McKenzie
Lead Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank
Minerva Kotei
Financial Sector Specialist, IFC and SME Finance Forum
Juan Navarette
Vice President of Business and Partnerships Development, Fundación Capital
David del Ser
Chairman and Chief Innovation Officer, BFA Global
Juan Carlos Thomas
Global Entrepreneurship Director, TechnoServe
Sandra Uwera
Global CEO, Fairtrade International
Chris Wheat
Managing Director · Co President, JPMorgan Chase Institute
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