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Accounting for the Gender Profit Gap

Small Firm Diaries Team

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

Links and Resources

A big part of the Small Firm Diaries will be exploring barriers to women-led businesses and reasons behind the gender profit gap. On March 2, the Financial Access Initiative held a faiVLive webinar on the latest research about the gender profit gap, with Nava Ashraf, Morgan Hardy, Rachael Pierotti, and Tatiana Rincón, and moderated by Tim Ogden. Watch a recording of our discussion here.

Below we share links to some key research discussed during the webinar.


A preliminary but expanding website created by Morgan Hardy and Gisella Kagy, built to serve as a public resource for a global network of researchers interested in contributing to the broader research agenda. The organizers welcome suggestions for relevant data links, as well as submissions of new papers and ongoing projects, via the website.


Ashraf, Nava, Alexia Delfino & Edward L. Glaeser, 2019. Rule of Law and Female Entrepreneurship

Bernhardt, Arielle, Erica Field, Rohini Pande, Natalia Rigol, 2019. Household Matters: Revisiting the Returns to Capital among Female Microentrepreneurs

Field, Erica M., Rohini Pande, Natalia Rigol, Simone G. Schaner & Charity Troyer Moore, 2019. On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women's Financial Control Affects Labor Supply and Gender Norms

Friedson-Ridenoura, Sophia and Rachael S. Pierotti 2019. Competing priorities: Women’s microenterprises and household relationships

Guérin, Isabelle, Christophe Jalil Nordman, Elena Reboul, 2021. The Gender of Debt and Credit: Insights from Rural Tamil Nadu

Blog Posts on Women in Business

Fundacion Capital’s work on women-led businesses with insights about coping mechanisms women are adopting.

More on women's coping mechanisms (in Spanish)

Supporting women's micro-business under mobility restrictions caused by the pandemic in Paraguay, using technology as an alternative for in-person visits.

Gender analysis to better design initiatives for women-led businesses (tambien en Espanol).


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